Sponsor Directory
We are so grateful to the local businesses and citizens who help us put on the Ely Winter Festival every year. Please patronize these businesses and let them know you saw their ad on ElyWinterFestival.com! Click a tab below to see different categories of businesses.

Ely Film Festival
Welcome to the Ely Film Festival, where we celebrate stories from the End of the Road! Ely is a small town in Northern Minnesota that is surrounded by Superior National Forest and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Because of its unique location, Ely has become a crossroads of history and cultures.

Veterans on the Lake Resort
(800) 777-7538
Providing highly accommodating services for all guests, including those that are disabled: the lodge, docks, pool, grounds and many cabins are each built to assist veterans, their families, and accompanying guests with the most convenient and safe support systems and aids.
161 Fernberg Rd

Ely Flower & Seed
(218) 365-6555
Generous sponsors of the EWF Ice Skating Rink
Pet, wild animal and bird food, plants
145 W Camp St
Evergreen Restaurant and Antlers Lounge
400 North Pioneer Road
Ely, Minnesota 55731

R & R Transfer
(218) 365-3196
Moving and storage service
Dutchman Tree Service
Ely Vision Center
38 E Harvey St,
Ely, MN 55731
Brandenburg Gallery
(218) 365-6563
11 E Sheridan St